Jessica Prince Mysteries Main Characters
Mystery. Adventure. Loyal friends. What more does a girl need?
Meet the main characters of the Jessica Prince Mysteries series! New mysteries and different characters feature in every novel, but these characters are recurring and important to know.
Sometimes, minor characters from previous books may make a comeback. Keep your eyes peeled for them!

Teen sleuth
Jessica "Jess" Prince
The sixteen-year-old heiress of the series. Clever, charming, and a big mystery lover. She's always in pink and looking to help. She's very observant so don't underestimate her! She lives with her Uncle Henry at Prince Manor after her parents died when she was young. She attends the prestigious Blackwood Academy, a kindergarten to grade twelve school, with her friends and lives in the rich town of Willowbrook, California.

Nerdy best friend turned boyfriend
Benjamin "Ben" Clark
Sixteen-year-old Ben is a classic nerd, into Star Trek, Star Wars, video games, and technology. He'd do anything for Jessica. He's always wearing a backpack, sneakers, and a graphic tee from some famous franchise. He's not as rich as everyone else in town, and disliked since his father is the sheriff. You can always count on him, plus he's good for a comforting word and a geeky reference!

Jessica's Uncle
Uncle Henry Prince
Always in a suit and looking his best, Henry Prince is the owner of Prince Enterprises that he inherited from his family, a tech company. He's a billionaire, protective of his niece, and works a lot, in his late thirties.

Jessica's best friend
Tiffany "Tiff" Hampton
With red hair and green eyes, sixteen-year-old Tiffany has been Jessica's best friend since they were in diapers. Her parents work for Uncle Henry and she loves fashion and gossip.

Jessica's best friend
Madison "Mads" Carter
Sixteen-year-old Madison is a goth girl and skateboarder. When her parents won the lottery a few years ago, they moved to Willowbrook to open their restaurant, Heart and Soul Food, which she often works at. She has an older brother and sister who are off living out their dreams.

Ben's father
Sheriff Norman Clark
The grumpy sheriff of Willowbrook, California, Norman doesn't like rich people. He lives in a regular house with his son, Ben, who he's hard on. His wife, Beth, died of cancer and left life insurance money so Ben could attend Blackwood Academy.

Family chauffeur
Larry Kibbler
Larry Kibbler is proud to be the chauffeur for the Prince family. He drives them around in a black limo. With grey hair and a mustache, he's in his sixties and usually comes with them on mysteries. She likes to talk about his family, especially his new granddaughter, and reminisce about his youth.

The Prince family bodyguard
Milo Bianchi
Milo is a very tall, very strong bodyguard for the Prince family. Uncle Henry hires him in book three, deciding Jessica needs protection as her mysteries ramp up. He's from Italy and speaks fondly of his nonna and food from his homeland. He has a wife and daughter who live in Austria, his daughter a ballet dancer there, and often sends them mail. He lives in the guesthouse at Prince Manor.

Teen mean girl
Holly Blackwood (a.k.a: Horrible Holly)
Holly Blackwood is the meanest girl at Blackwood Academy, hating Jessica in particular. She's untouchable because her father is the headmaster and founder of the school. She is deeply jealous of Jessica and always trying to ruin her life, including going after her crush, Eric Worthington. Similiar to Jessica, she has blonde hair, blue eyes, and often dresses in pink and the latest fashion. She loves spreading rumors, shopping, being popular, and hating on Jessica. It's no wonder she has the nickname of Horrible Holly!

Twin and in Holly's clique
Lorraine Hartford
Lorraine is twins with Kelsey, in Holly's mean girl clique. Lorraine and Kelsey are Tiffany's cousins. She's always with her sister and Holly. She also despises Jessica, doing whatever Holly tells her to do.

Twin and in Holly's clique
Kelsey Hartford
Kelsey is twins with Lorraine and also cousins with Tiffany. She'll do anything for Holly, including bully Jessica, just to fit in. It's hard to tell her and Lorraine apart.

Jock and son of a business rival
Eric Worthington
Eric is Blackwood Academy's football quarterback and the school's most famous jock. He plays for the Blackwood Ravens. Oblivious to Jessica's crush on him and a bit dense, Ben gives him the nickname of Empty-headed Eric. He's the son of Uncle Henry's business rivals, Wayne and Rebecca Worthington, who own Worthington Industrial, Prince Enterprise' direct competitor in technology. He isn't concerned with the company and would rather end the feud with Jessica's family and pursue football professionally.